Friday, October 22, 2010

In the News...

The Far North Act (Bill 191) Causing a Stir

To say that the Far North Act, which was passed on September 23rd, has been a sensitive issue for many northerners would be an understatement. The act aims to protect 225,000 square kms (or 21% of Ontario's land mass) of Boreal Forest from development, but Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Chiefs' say that the bill violates their treaty rights to land ownership, and they "do not, and will not recognize this legislation on [their] homelands". The Ontario Chamber of Commerce has also voiced its opposition to the bill, stating that "the act would effectively paralyze development in the north".

Additional stakeholders, including the Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association, the Ontario Prospectors Association, Treaty Three Grand Council, and the Ontario Forestry Industries Association have also voiced their concerns.

To learn more about this issue, browse through the links below...

Showdown in the Far North

Northern Communities United in Opposition to Far North Act

Far North Act will bring "unrest" and drive away business, say leaders

Minister compares Far North Act to creation of Algonquin Park

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