Thursday, October 14, 2010

The CMFN welcomes Weberville Community Model Forest

The Canadian Model Forest Network has a new member!

It was officially announced in August that the Weberville Community Model Forest (WCMF) project had joined the CMFN. The WCMF is located in Alberta, and covers about 33,000 hectares of land. It is the 2nd Model Forest site in Alberta, and the 15th site across Canada.

The site was spearheaded by the Weberville Community Forest Association, and began as a pilot project in 2008, focusing on landscape-level private land forest management. The press release that was issued to announce the WCMF's Model Forest status states, "the project quickly gained attention and interest from various stakeholders from industry, government, municipalities and NGOs due to its uniqueness in terms of being a community-driven landscape level management approach, which does not only address economical benefits through landowner collaboration, but also environmental and social aspects."

The NSFC would like to officially welcome our new national partner to the CMFN! We expect to hear exciting project news from the WCMF in the coming years, and we will be sure to share this information with you through our blog so you can follow the progress of our newest partner site!

For a bit more information, check out the Weberville section of the CMFN website.

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